Viking OSX
Here below what I was writing to the Community!
Operating system:
macOS Big Sur v.11.2.3
{ages: 11.0 (703.0.94)
I have a book complete. 309 pages. Ready to be sent to the publisher.
A) Page numbers
1) Interior (main text, 309 pages): I managed by sheer luck to create a section at the first page of the first chapter, and put the numbers in the right slot. All numbers are there, up to last page.
Problem: When instruct Pages to hide the number on first page of the first chapter, all numbers disappear
2) Interior (introductory pages, 8 pages): I want to number them with romans, from I to VI.
Problem: I tried to create a section and start the numbering of the six pages, I can't. Say that is not so important, I can put the numbers manually.
B) Headers
I want to place my name as header on the left pages, and the name of the book on the right pages, even though I would prefer to have the name of each chapter on the right pages, but that seems an impossible dream.
I have been trying for two days, to no avail, the behavior of Pages is not consistent.
For example:
- I pull down the menu from the menu bar, select "Put number" (why there is not a selection for headers and footers?) go to the sidebar, select headers and footers, then type the header, hit enter, and since I selected that the left and right pages are different, the header should appear on all left pages. It doesn't.
- I f I go to the first page of the first chapter and instruct Pages to hide the number, all numbers disappear.
Before this book, I had the same problems with two previous books, that I solved exporting the manuscript to Word, redoing the pagination there. Words moves my photos, unbalances the interior text, but it is far easier in handling headers and numbers.
I don't want to do that! If I must do that export to Word with this book, next on (I have two more to publish)......