Pages App
How can I install Pages or iWork on a Mac running High Sierra 10.13.6?
iMac, macOS 10.13
How can I install Pages or iWork on a Mac running High Sierra 10.13.6?
iMac, macOS 10.13
If you have never installed Pages, then you cannot install a version for macOS 10.13.6, because of two factors: 1) Apple does not provide user downloadable, past full installers, and 2) current versions of Pages require macOS 11.* or later.
If you ever did install Pages via the Mac App Store prior to or during the installation of High Sierra, then you may be able to obtain it by launching the Mac App Store, signing in with the same Apple ID as previously used, and then press the option key while selecting the Purchases tab. If Pages appears on this Purchased panel and has an Install/Update button, then click that. You will receive a dialog indicating you must upgrade your Mac to install the current Pages. Acknowledge that dialog, and do not click Cancel. A second dialog may appear offering to install the last compatible version of Pages for High Sierra. Do it.
If you have never installed Pages, then you cannot install a version for macOS 10.13.6, because of two factors: 1) Apple does not provide user downloadable, past full installers, and 2) current versions of Pages require macOS 11.* or later.
If you ever did install Pages via the Mac App Store prior to or during the installation of High Sierra, then you may be able to obtain it by launching the Mac App Store, signing in with the same Apple ID as previously used, and then press the option key while selecting the Purchases tab. If Pages appears on this Purchased panel and has an Install/Update button, then click that. You will receive a dialog indicating you must upgrade your Mac to install the current Pages. Acknowledge that dialog, and do not click Cancel. A second dialog may appear offering to install the last compatible version of Pages for High Sierra. Do it.
Pages App