Will I be able to get my music back?
If my Apple Music lapses and my music is deleted, will it be back after I pay or will I have to download all my songs again?
If my Apple Music lapses and my music is deleted, will it be back after I pay or will I have to download all my songs again?
My understanding is that if you resubscribe within 30 days you should recover your iCloud Music Library. Apple Music tracks that have been downloaded to your computer or device will become invalid when the subscription lapses, and would likely need to be redownloaded if you resubscribed. It is always best to have all of your non-Apple Music content backed up safely to an external drive rather than rely on the content in the cloud.
Your entire library will disappear and won't come back after resubscribing. The only music that will remain is music that you purchased outside of the subscription.
Will I be able to get my music back?