Purchase Problem
I have difficulty with my purchasing
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 16
I have difficulty with my purchasing
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 16
Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
Including basic information in your post will assist us in quickly finding a specific answer to your question. Provide a clear description of what you are trying, where it fails to perform as expected, and the exact wording of error messages. Include your hardware year and model information if you have not already done so in the posting information.
You must contact Apple for help if you see a message saying "Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes" or "You cannot login because your account has been locked". This is not something you can fix yourself. Apple provides a contact link for this specific issue. Tap or click here --> https://getsupport.apple.com/?caller=kbase&PGF=PGF63005&category_id=SC0245&symptom_id=23362
Based on the support article: If a message says 'Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes' - Apple Support
If it is another reason, post with more details.
Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
Including basic information in your post will assist us in quickly finding a specific answer to your question. Provide a clear description of what you are trying, where it fails to perform as expected, and the exact wording of error messages. Include your hardware year and model information if you have not already done so in the posting information.
You must contact Apple for help if you see a message saying "Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes" or "You cannot login because your account has been locked". This is not something you can fix yourself. Apple provides a contact link for this specific issue. Tap or click here --> https://getsupport.apple.com/?caller=kbase&PGF=PGF63005&category_id=SC0245&symptom_id=23362
Based on the support article: If a message says 'Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes' - Apple Support
If it is another reason, post with more details.
Purchase Problem