cristan276 Said:
"I’m getting charge without reason : how can I stop to be charging by something that I didn’t want to pay I already check my subscriptions and I only one of $19.00 and nothing else I already pay the 19 dollars and I still getting charge by something else and it’s say Apple bill?"
Troubleshooting Unfamiliar Charges:
Links to Refer to:
Contact Apple Support:
For Financial Assistance, contact Apple Support. These are user-to-user forums. We are not Apple.  Apple barely reads these site on their own time, as it is. As you may suspect, no one here would know the answer to this. So, contact Apple Support. The'll see what has occurred, and will run you through the fix. Here is the information for contacting Apple Support:
Apple Phone Support:
- Contact Us - Choose Locations
- Proceed from there as Necessary
- Why the Wait: Phone calls are taking a bit to go through at the moment, due do lots of calls. With the Coronavirus Pandemic, many are at home at the moment, with much time on their hands to contact Apple. So, just stay on the line, and you will get through :)