Mac Pro doesn't mount PCI internal storage after rebooting from Mac OS
This just started happening. I've got a Mac Pro 7,1 with a small main boot SSD and a much later internal, PCI NVME storage drive that is RAID'ed into a single striped volume. On that volume, I've got my Mac OS home directories (something that Mac OS seems to tolerate poorly) and some volumes that I use for data when I boot windows via Bootcamp.
About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that whenever I rebooted from Bootcamp, Mac OS has stopped mounting the internal storage. This is obvious because when I login, I don't see drives on the desktop and the login process never completes (I see a desktop, some icons but the machine isn't usable - just a rainbow wheel). I have to hard boot the machine to recover.
Does anyone know what is going on? This setup was working reliably for at least 18 months before this all started just recently.