Clearly there is still a problem. My Series 6 is at iOS 11.2 (22S101), and battery "health" is at 93%--well above the point where Apple says it should be replaced. I periodically get a notice that optimized charging limits the charge to 80%, and sometimes after sitting on the charger overnight, it is at 80%. Other times it's at 100% or some level of charge between 80% and 100%. I'm guessing that at some point, charging is cut off by the watch, and at that point, the battery begins to discharge, since the watch is still turned on. Today, I slept later than usual, and when I put the watch on it was at 76%. After I spent some time looking up the iOS version and battery health, it was down to 67%. I have low power mode turned off.
I am convinced there is still something wonky with power management with the Apple watch operating system beginning with iOS version 11. My wife's Series 5 stopped updating with iOS version 10, and she has no problems with the battery charge, even though the health is down to 88%. I had planned to get her a new watch for Christmas (which she would pick out, of course), but the battery issue got in the way, and she selected a new camera instead. (Too bad. The camera cost 8-10 times as much as the watch would have!)
Merry Christmas, everyone!