Yes, this problem has been reported many times over the years and Apple doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it. It seems fairly easy to reproduce. I got a new iPad a few years ago and copied the data directly from my old iPad. The album artwork was correct on my old iPad and was also correct on the new one after the copy. However, after I did the first sync with my Windows iTunes, it scrambled the artwork. I just got a new iPhone 16 Plus, and the same thing happened. They copied the data from my iPhone 8 at the AT&T store and the artwork was correct on the new iPhone until I did the first sync with Windows iTunes. I'm guessing if you load your new device from an iTunes backup, instead of copying directly between devices, it may preserve your artwork after subsequent syncing.
Some of the artwork is still correct for artist names that begin with letters at the beginning or end of the alphabet. Albums that have animated artwork are also correct. I wrote a bug report with this info a while back and never got a reply. The usual response is to delete the Music app from your device, reinstall and sync again. I have nightmares about losing my entire library on Windows, so I haven't tried this. I would rather see the problem fixed. If the artwork is correct in iTunes, it should sync correctly. No excuses or workarounds please.