No sound after iOS 18.3 upgrade on my iPhone
Rebooted, checked sound buttons & settings
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18
Rebooted, checked sound buttons & settings
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18
I also am now having a problem with not receiving audio notifications for texts messages (iMessage). I confirmed in Notifications that for "Messages", sounds is set to "Note" , "Announce Notifications" is On and the volume is high i.e., when I reselect "Note" as the "Sound", it is quite loud. However, I am only seeing a visual notification (i.e., the number of unread messages) after I unlock my phone. I rely on audio to tell me I need to unlock my phone to see my messages. Definitely broken with 18.3 update. I also rebooted again; same issue. Also, my phone is not jailbroken.
Did you look at the "Hide Alerts" as I mentioned in an earlier post on this?
I did. None of the text senders in Messages have Hide Alerts enabled. After 18.3.1 update that I did last week it is still spotty and not at all resolved.
I did, but none of them were toggled off sadly!
Yeah this fix stopped working several hours later. Several weeks later and I am still not getting text sound alert from anyone unless it randomly works. Very frustrating.
There is no Hide Alerts setting for r-mail, only for texts. So that does not solve the email audible alert issue
I did but there is no such thing for emails. Only for texts
I am also facing the same problem, after 18.3 ios update ! What to do now ? Sound has been decreased to 50% on its full volume.
Mistake. Sorry
No sound after iOS 18.3 upgrade on my iPhone