What 30" monitors will work with old MacPro 10.6.8?
My Apple 30” Cinema HD display is cutting out. It might only be the DVI adapter box, which I’ve replaced before, and already ordered another. But soon there won’t be any more of these on eBay, so I’d like to get another, new monitor - hopefully one that can connect directly to the Mac and not an adapter, and can use the same port without an expensive hardware/card upgrade.
I know a limitation will be the default connection the MacPro has. Don’t know what this connection is called but attached is a pic. Another forum user says its “Dual-link DVI”.
I want to keep this MacPro running OS 10.6.8 to use obsolete legacy apps. (I have a newer iMac too)
It must have 2560 resolution. Color accuracy isn’t critical. Does it have to be an Apple monitor?
Would appreciate a searchable term or links for compatible 30" monitors.
LMK if more info is needed...
[Edited by Moderator]
Earlier Mac models